Thursday, March 30, 2006

Fibromyalgia and nutritional supplements

If you are one of the millions of people who have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, please read what I have to say about what has helped me. It may help you too. I know there is no cure for fibromyalgia, but there are things a person can do to help improve the quality of their life and lessen the symptoms of the disease.

Although no one seems to be able to paint a complete picture of Fibromyalgia's causes, there are certain brush strokes here and there that seem to surface again and again while researching it. The majority of doctors seem to feel that the only treatments are anti-depressants and pain medication. Both have side effects, and it's only a cover-up if the treatment does seem to relieve symptoms for a time.

One generally recognized theory is that there are probably toxins in the body that need to be removed. Someone recommended to me that I try Guaifenesin therapy, which worked for a time, but then seemed to give out on me. I was lucky enough that my husband went to a presentation for a home-based Internet business called Market America and came home to tell me about one of their products that people had told him might bring me some relief - Isotonix ® OPC-3™ - a strong anti-oxidant made mainly from grape seed and red wine extracts and bilberries. It is a powder that is mixed with water to allow it to immediately enter the body's system instead of waiting for it to dissolve like a pill.

Having nothing to lose, I began taking it several times a day, and slowly began to feel better. First I noticed an improvement in my mental accuity, and gradually I noticed the physical symptoms were improving as well. I had enough energy left after working all day to actually do something instead of just collapsing on the couch.

I still take the OPC-3™ and have found further benefits from some of the other Market America products as well, which is one of the main reasons my husband and I became independent distributors for Market America.

If you would like to view some of the other products available from our distributorship, please visit our web site at