Saturday, June 14, 2008

Get your individual genetic profile, personal diet and lifestyle advice with the Gene SNP™ DNA Analysis Kit. The revised Health Assessment Report provides an individually customized nutritional formula for maintaining long-term health and vigor, as well as a guide to vitamins and minerals, general information on genes, nutrition and health, and other invaluable resources.

Many pieces of evidence support the fact that corticotropin-releasing hormones (CRH) play a role in the pathophysiology of major depression. Three SNPs were identified in CRHR1 gene and genotyped in the samples of patients diagnosed with major depression and matched controls. These results support the idea that the CRHR1 gene is likely to be involved in the genetic vulnerability for major depression.

Genetic variants in immune regulator genes have been associated with numerous diseases, including allergies and cancer. Increasing evidence suggests a substantially elevated disease risk in individuals who carry a combination of disease-relevant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).

It could be speculated that the adiponectin gene variant, or a mutation in linkage with it, determines lower adiponectin gene expression, causing in turn an increased risk to develop insulin resistance, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

The significant association of the adiponectin gene in subjects with early-onset CAD also suggests that genetic factors for late-onset diseases may exert a greater influence in younger persons, when other risk factors are not as prevalent as in older age groups.

The general procedure for taking a genealogical DNA test involves taking only a painless cheek-scraping (also known as a buccal swab) at home and mailing the sample to a genetic genealogy laboratory for testing. All United States laboratories will destroy the DNA sample upon request by the customer, guaranteeing that a sample is not available for further analysis

Monday, May 26, 2008

Never Underestimate the Value of a Low Glycemic Diet

A Menu for Weight Loss:
Transitions and a Low Glycemic Index lifestyle

The glycemic index of food is a ranking of foods based on their immediate effect on blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. Carbohydrate foods that breakdown quickly during digestion have the highest glycemic indexes. Their blood sugar response is fast and high. Carbohydrates that breakdown slowly, releasing glucose gradually into the blood stream, have low glycemic indexes. 5

An awareness of foods' Glycemic Index can help you control your blood sugar levels, and by doing so, may help you prevent heart disease, improve cholesterol levels, prevent insulin resistance and type-2 diabetes, prevent certain cancers, and achieve or maintain a healthy weight. A substantial amount of research suggests a low GI diet provides these significant health benefits. So, it's worth taking a look at the basic principles of a low GI way of eating. 6

Carbohydrates that break down rapidly during digestion releasing glucose rapidly into the bloodstream have a high GI; carbohydrates that break down slowly, releasing glucose gradually into the bloodstream, have a low GI. For most people, foods with a low GI have significant health benefits. 1

The usefulness of glycemic load is based on the idea that a high glycemic index food consumed in small quantities would give the same effect as larger quantities of a low glycemic index food on blood sugar. For example, white rice is somewhat high GI, so eating 50g of white rice at one sitting would give a particular glucose curve in the blood, while 25g would give the same curve but half the height. 2

A lower glycemic index suggests slower rates of digestion and absorption of the sugars and starches in the foods and may also indicate greater extraction from the liver and periphery of the products of carbohydrate digestion. 3

Between the two high-carbohydrate diets, lowering the glycemic index doubled fat loss - this effect was strongest in women. Participants on the high-protein, high GI diet was equally effective for fat loss as the high carbohydrate, low GI diet, the two had diverse effects on LDL (bad) cholesterol - the high protein, high-GI group showed increased levels of LDL or 'bad' cholesterol, while there were significant reductions in those on the high carbohydrate, low-GI diet. However those on the high-protein, low GI diet did not experience the same rise in total LDL cholesterol suggesting the importance of low GI foods alongside a high meat intake. 4

The current validated methods use glucose as the reference food, giving it a glycemic index value of 100 by definition. This has the advantages that it is universal and it results in maximum GI values of approximately 100. White bread can also be used as a reference food, giving a different set of GI values (if white bread = 100, then glucose ? For people whose staple carbohydrate source is white bread, this has the advantage of conveying directly whether replacement of the dietary staple with a different food would result in faster or slower blood glucose response. The disadvantages with this system are that the reference food is not well-defined, and the GI scale is culture dependent. 7

In short, the goal should be to build a good plan including the low Glycemic Index foods. This way, hunger is minimized, and there is less tendency to "cheat" or overeat. Consequently, you can continue to lose body fat or maintain your weight - once the excess pounds have been lost. 8
Low glycemic index foods generally have less of an impact on blood glucose levels. People who eat a lot of low glycemic index foods tend to have lower total body fat levels. 9


Sunday, March 16, 2008

New Product for healthy cells and heart! Resveratrol

Poor cellular and cardiovascular health are becoming huge stumbling blocks to optimal health in the United States and many other countries. A diet of processed, high-calorie, high-fat foods, pollution, smoking and sedentary lifestyles all contribute to poor cell and heart health.

Scientists have revealed The French Paradox, which states that even though the French drink, smoke and eat high-fat foods they have some of the lowest incidences of poor cardiovascular and cellular health. They attribute this to the large amounts of red wine that the majority of French people consume, or more importantly, an extract found in red wine, resveratrol.

Clinical research reveals that resveratrol supports both cardiovascular and normal cell health. Because wine is so highly processed, the actual amount of resveratrol is quite low. One would have to drink at least three bottles of red wine a day to experience the effects of resveratrol extract.

The resveratrol content in red wine is inconsistent and varies by the type of wine, the grape growing region and the processing techniques that are used. Resveratrol extract or more specifically, Resveravine®, which is a more concentrated form of resveratrol, ensures that the body reaps all of the benefits of resveratrol, without the ill effects three bottles of wine can cause.

Resveratrol is an Isotonix® dietary supplement are delivered in an isotonic solution. The isotonic state of the suspension allows nutrients to pass directly into the small intestine and rapidly absorb into the bloodstream. With Isotonix products, little nutritive value is lost, making the absorption of nutrients highly efficient while delivering maximum results.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Two New Products for Women from Market America!

Prime (tm) Balance - With osteoporosis affecting an estimated 75 million people in the USA, Europe, and Japan, a product like Prime (tm) Balance is an absolute must. Prime (tm) Balance is a unique combination of multiple ingredients, which have all been clinically shown to have a significant role in bone health. This formulation works to help prevent osteoporosis, promote normal bone mineral density, increase the uptake of calcium/magnesium and promote bone strength. There are many osteoporosis and calcium supplements on the market, but none that provides additional ingredients, such as Bonistein (patented genistein), that Prime (tm) Balance offers. A recent study in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (see link) discusses the positive effects of isoflavones (genistein) on bone resorption (bone loss) and bone formation. Prime (tm) Balance is not intended to replace Calcium Plus which is used by teenagers, men, and pre-menopausal women. Women entering menopause or those who are pre-menopausal and older men should take this product in addition to Isotonix(r) Calcium Plus to help address the effects of aging on their bones. *

Report Information

Prime Time (tm) for Women - Low libido is one of the most common complaints among women today. Research statistics show that one third to one half of all American women (regardless of age) report that they experience some type of difficulty with sex. Prime Time (tm) for Women is a multi-functional product to aid in the enhancement of the female libido. Stress, depression, medications, and menopause can lead to reduced satisfaction and interest in sex. This product should help to facilitate sexual energy and interest, support normal blood flow to genital organs and tissues to promote sexual pleasure and performance. This product is intended to provide support for the mental, physical, and emotional sexual needs of women. Each of these ingredients has been carefully selected to provide the most cutting-edge approach for targeting these needs. *

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
* This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.