Poor cellular and cardiovascular health are becoming huge stumbling blocks to optimal health in the United States and many other countries. A diet of processed, high-calorie, high-fat foods, pollution, smoking and sedentary lifestyles all contribute to poor cell and heart health.
Scientists have revealed The French Paradox, which states that even though the French drink, smoke and eat high-fat foods they have some of the lowest incidences of poor cardiovascular and cellular health. They attribute this to the large amounts of red wine that the majority of French people consume, or more importantly, an extract found in red wine, resveratrol.
Clinical research reveals that resveratrol supports both cardiovascular and normal cell health. Because wine is so highly processed, the actual amount of resveratrol is quite low. One would have to drink at least three bottles of red wine a day to experience the effects of resveratrol extract.
The resveratrol content in red wine is inconsistent and varies by the type of wine, the grape growing region and the processing techniques that are used. Resveratrol extract or more specifically, Resveravine®, which is a more concentrated form of resveratrol, ensures that the body reaps all of the benefits of resveratrol, without the ill effects three bottles of wine can cause.
Resveratrol is an Isotonix® dietary supplement are delivered in an isotonic solution. The isotonic state of the suspension allows nutrients to pass directly into the small intestine and rapidly absorb into the bloodstream. With Isotonix products, little nutritive value is lost, making the absorption of nutrients highly efficient while delivering maximum results.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.